Maternal & Child Health

Promoting and prioritizing maternal and child health is a smart investment in the well-being and future of Nebraska’s children, families, and communities.

Maternal and child health is a crucial for several reasons:

Survival and well-being: Maternal and child health is fundamental for the survival and well-being of both mothers and children. Healthy mothers are more likely to give birth to healthy babies and provide them with adequate care, nutrition, and nurturing during early childhood. This contributes to the child’s growth, development, and overall well-being.

Inter-generational impact: The health and well-being of mothers and children have long-lasting effects on future generations. Healthy mothers are more likely to have healthy pregnancies and give birth to healthy babies who grow up to become healthy adults. Improving maternal and child health can break the cycle of poor health and poverty, leading to healthier and more prosperous communities in the long run.

Reduce child mortality: Maternal and child health interventions, such as prenatal care, skilled birth attendance, postnatal care, and immunizations, have been instrumental in reducing child mortality rates. By ensuring access to quality healthcare services and addressing underlying factors that contribute to child mortality, child survival rates can be improved.

Enhance maternal well-being: Improving maternal health is not only vital for the child but also for the mother herself. Access to prenatal care, skilled birth attendance, and postnatal care can reduce the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. Ensuring that women have access to essential reproductive healthcare services and information empowers them to make informed decisions about their health and family planning, leading to improved overall well-being.

2024 Legislation

Read our letter of support for LB 857, creating the Prenatal Plus Program
Read our letter of support for LB 913, expanding postpartum care under CHIP
Read our letter of opposition to LB 1060, a bill allowing exemptions to newborn screenings
