Science Meets

University of Nebraska Medical Center
Since 2004, The University of Nebraska Medical Center has invited Nebraska eighth-graders to compete in the medical center’s regional Health/Science Meet competition. Students were asked to write a short description or abstract of a science project of their interest and develop a poster board display presentation of their project, which would then be ranked at various regions across the state.
In 2010, the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures offered to support these science meets with a $12,000 sponsorship to assist in meeting the goal of the meets: provide students a fun and educational experience to inspire them to pursue a career in health sciences.
In 2014, the Coalition increased its support to $15,000 allowing the Nebraska Area Health Education Center (AHEC) to expand its reach to nine regional science meets for approximately 500 eighth graders across Nebraska.
As was the case in 2004 and remains today, the top students from the regional meets are invited to attend the State Science Meet at UNMC. The purpose of the state meet is designed to introduce students to careers in health care or science. During the state meet, students stay at the UNO Scott Residence Hall. Hands-on activities take place at the Peter Kiewit Institute of Information Science, Technology and Engineering, and at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The students also visit Mahoney State Park and on Saturday morning, the event concludes with teams competing in the “Quiz Bowl”.
Learn more or register here.