Welcome to the E-newsletter of the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures January, 2016! Below are a few articles that caught our eye this month. Enjoy.

Patients beware: warnings about shady clinics and suspect treatments


Every day we get a call from someone seeking help. Some are battling a life-threatening or life-changing disease. Others call on behalf of a friend or loved one. All are looking for the same thing; a treatment, better still a cure, to ease their suffering.

Almost every day we have to tell them the same thing; that the science is advancing but it’s not there yet. You can almost feel the disappointment, the sense of despair, on the other end of the line.

Read more here.

Stem cell shortcut points S.F. scientists to potential therapy for diabetes

Sheng Ding, a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes

Scientists have reprogrammed human skin cells into insulin-producing cells that may offer a new strategy for attacking Type 1 diabetes.

The process could take years even to make its way into human clinical trials — let alone a regulator-approved therapy — but a scientist at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco said the shortcut for manufacturing trillions of those cells could leap an important commercial hurdle for stem cell therapies.

Read more here.

Regenerating damaged muscle after a heart attack

clusters of heart muscle cells

Every year more than 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. Many of those who survive often have lasting damage to their heart muscle and are at increased risk for future attacks and heart failure. Now CIRM-funded researchers at UCLA have identified a way that could help regenerate heart muscle after a heart attack, potentially not only saving lives but also increasing the quality of life.

Read more here.

White Board: Type 1 Diabetes

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