We are conducting a statewide research study on mental health and addiction services in Nebraska and seeking input from individuals with direct or indirect lived experience. This includes individuals who have mental health or addiction needs, those who have sought mental health or addiction treatment for themselves, as well as caregivers who have sought mental health or addiction treatment on behalf of others. We are gathering this input via a Lived Experience Survey and are using our provider networks to help get the word out. The Lived Experience Survey will be open until March 28th and the first 500 participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card, so we ask that you help get the word out as soon as possible. To access the survey, reach out to amanda@nebraskacures.com.
How You Can Help
* Send this Survey Link Communication email to people you know with lived experience.
* Print and distribute this Survey Flyer (8.5×11) to in-office patients.
* If you have experienced mental illness and/or addiction or are closely connected (parent, spouse, etc) to someone who has, please take the survey!
Survey Details
* Time: The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete.
* Incentive: The first 500 participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card.
* Availability: The survey will be open from March 3 to March 28.
* Confidentiality: All responses will be confidential and shared only in aggregate.
* English & Spanish: The survey is available in both English and Spanish languages.
* Language & Literacy Support: Language and literacy support is available to enable accessibility.
Why Your Help Matters
* Help identify gaps and successes in mental health and addiction care across Nebraska.
* Shape solutions to build a stronger, more effective treatment system.
* Amplify the voices of individuals with lived experience to advocate for meaningful change.
Who Is Involved
* Category One Consulting, a Nebraska-based firm specializing in research and evaluation, is conducting this study.
* Key partners include Dignity Health Collective, NAMI Nebraska, Nebraska Cures, Nebraska Association of Behavioral Health Organizations, and Omaha Integrative Care.
* The survey is sponsored by the Lin and Mike Simmonds Endowment for Innovations in Mental Health, Lozier Foundation, Nebraska Child Health & Education Alliance, Omaha Community Foundation, The Sherwood Foundation, and Weitz Family Foundation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Laura Haile at laurahaile@category1consulting.com. Thank you for your partnership in this important effort!