March 2015 E-news
A new biotech startup, Semma Therapeutics, announced that it seeks to fight diabetes via translating technology from the lab of Doug Melton at Harvard to the [...]
A new biotech startup, Semma Therapeutics, announced that it seeks to fight diabetes via translating technology from the lab of Doug Melton at Harvard to the [...]
Fourteen years ago, during the darkest moments of the "stemcell wars" pitting American scientists against the White House of George W. Bush... - MIT Technology [...]
OMAHA, (Neb) The Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures released the results of a poll indicating that a majority of Nebraskans support embryonic stem cell research [...]
The Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures was honored by the Genetics Policy Institute on Tuesday, Dec. 4, when it received a Stem Cell Action Award. [...]
The Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures released the results of a poll indicating that a majority of Nebraskans support embryonic stem cell research overall, and [...]
The Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures will honor Wally and Barbara Weitz at its annual tribute luncheon, to be held April 20, 2014 at the [...]
The first embryonic stem (ES) cell trial for severe heart failure is launching now in Paris. - Bioscience Technology
Scientists are reporting the first strong evidence that human embryonic stem cells may be helping patients. - NPR
Stem Cells: plenty of hope, but halting progress. - The New York Times
Australian researchers studying zebrafish have made one of the most significant ever discoveries in stem cell research. - The Guardian